Fellowship Spotlight: Natalie Navarrete
Natalie Navarrete is a second-year International Affairs, Spanish, and Russian major with a minor in Latin American and Caribbean studies. In addition to the Fellowship, Natalie is an attorney and team captain for UGA’s nationally ranked Mock Trial competitive team. She is a member of the Demosthenian Literary Society and provides defense counsel for students and staff facing conduct charges through the Defenders Advocate Society. Natalie represents the Russian Flagship intensive learning program as an ambassador and is looking forward to learning Kazakh in preparation for a year in Kazakhstan through the Flagship. In the future, she hopes to advise politicians on Latin American and Russian foreign policy and eventually serve in elected office. Natalie has always been politically active, previously interning with Congressman Ted Deutch from her home district in Florida, but is grateful for the Fellowship for giving her a better look into the perspective of local and state government that she doesn’t get from her courses.